IMG_9034.cropDuring the fall and winter months, we visit widows and others in need and help them by chopping firewood for them. We love to meet with widows and bring Christ’s love to them, as well as physical warmth for their fires. Many people we meet live in drafty houses without good insulation, roofs, or windows. When we go visit people in the snowy months, we chop wood, help them, pray with them, and share the Good News of Christ with them. Around Christmas, we go also caroling and visit many people. We especially enjoy visiting young widows and their children and taking them gifts.-4nGWuhgfmQ

We also take the Noah’s Ark youth to visit elderly people who are in need of fellowship. The amazing thing about visiting the elderly is that we start to realize how much we have and how ungrateful we are at times. One of the grandmas we visited told us her testimony: Her name is Hope, and she told us her story of how she came to Christ. She also told us that her husband didn’t like her going to church, so he locked her out of the house constantly even in the winter, while she had two small kids with her. Her husband even tried killing her a couple of times. But she prayed for him for 44 years. She went through so many struggles waiting for 44 years…and her husband became a Christian!



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