Throughout the summer, we take groups of people on prayer encounters to go into the outdoors, camp under the stars for several days, and grow closer to God. The purpose is to take a few days away from the stress of everyday life to hear God’s Word, fellowship, and spend time in prayer. Click here to see photos.

During prayer encounters, we often get up early in the morning to watch the sunrise. We spend many hours each day enjoying nature and praying. Many times, people will hike alone or in small groups to spend time in prayer. Time around the campfire each evening is special, too. Prayer encounters are time for people to open their hearts to God.

“In October we had a men’s prayer encounter, which was a BIG blessing!!!! The theme of the prayer encounter was ‘The heart of a Man.’ After this prayer encounter, one of the churches invited Peter to make a men’s conference at their church, to have all the men of that church separate into small groups. After the conference, they are planning on 4 small groups, and that is a blessing.”  — Men’s prayer encounter testimony

prayer groups 3“It was an amazing time we had! God blessed us with the right amount of people and He gathered the right woman together! The theme to this prayer encounter was ‘Personal relationship with God.’ This prayer encounter was different from the rest! We asked our men to help us out with this prayer encounter: The men washed our dishes, made the fire for us, brought the water, and the wood, and that was a BIG help for us! This was a time when all the ladies could have a break from their jobs, families, and everyday things.”   –Women’s prayer encounter testimony
Click here for recent Women’s Prayer Encounter.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 19:14



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