When the Russian invasion started more than 7 months ago, everyone said that Ukraine didn’t have a chance. They said that it would be a matter of days for the Russians to take control over the capital and potentially all of Ukraine. Logically, that seemed true. How could such a small country stand a chance against the biggest country in the world?

Seven months later, Ukraine has not only miraculously defended itself, we are taking back our land. Thank you God that what seems impossible to man is possible with You!

As you know, our ministry has been focused on humanitarian aid and disaster relief efforts since the war started. God has been so good to us providing for our needs and using our ministry to provide for the needs of others. The building has been such a blessing during these times. We have gotten the whole first floor tiled and are at the point where we are able to actually function inside. A lot of the first floor is being used as a storage and packing space for the humanitarian aid ministry. As time goes on, we really feel the need to continue construction at our campsite in order to get it ready for camps and whatever else the Lord has in store for us.

This week we started a big project. We are building two additional buildings on the property. The first building will be a kitchen, upstairs will be bedrooms where the cooks can stay during camps. The second building will be showers, bathrooms, and sinks. We are really excited about this project, this will allow us to hold camps and comfortably accommodate many people. Starting this project was a huge step of faith but we feel confident that this is necessary. We don’t know what the future holds but we know Who is in control and that we need to keep moving forward.

Upcoming plans and prayer needs:

  • Moving forward, we plan to continue sending out care packages as long as the Lord provides. Pray for the continual provision of supplies and people.
  • We have a desire to work with the refugees who have moved to our town. We are praying and asking God for wisdom on how to best go about a ministry like this.
  • Pray for the construction projects. We are planning to have the two additional buildings up by winter. Pray for provision as these are not cheap projects.

We have been brainstorming and praying that the Lord would guide us as we desire to emotionally and spiritually support and encourage our people during these difficult times. Peter is considering doing a men’s retreat this fall and we would also like to start the women’s ministry back up. Pray for wisdom, strength and provision.

Thank you for praying and contributing to the containers that were sent from the States. We just received the second container this week! These items are going to be a blessing to so many people. Thank you so much!

Thank you for being so faithful to pray for us and Ukraine. There are not enough words to fully express our gratitude. We know it can be so easy to get distracted and forget about what’s going on 6,000+ miles away from you.

Thank you for not forgetting.

With much love,
Peter and Irina



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