Here is a quick update of Irina’s brief time in Sacramento the last two weeks. Irina just arrived in Poland and will join Peter and others to purchase supplies and take them to Ukraine by July 4th.
Irina wanted me to thank all of you so much for your many prayers and support for her while she was working here and for Peter and those with him working in ministry packing and delivering humanitarian aid and the Gospel to those in desperate situations in Ukraine.
In Sacramento many people donated items and worked together to collect needed supplies for 2 full containers to be shipped to Poland. One container is already on the way and the 2nd container will ship soon. It will take about 2-3 months for them to reach Poland. The supplies will be picked up in Noah’s Ark vans/trucks and be transported to the campsite in Ukraine for distribution.
Please pray for the safety and well being of all those involved with this work. The situation in Ukraine is again uncertain and dangerous with the new bombing near Kyiv. Irina and Peter know that this is God’s ministry and that He give them strength and direction for His work. They covet your prayers for all.
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