Thank you for praying for Peter and Daniel who were in Ukraine. They made it through to Poland on Sunday!! Nadya also flew in this week from the US. We are so thankful that our family is together and are praying that God would use us for His good. We are stronger together! We are looking for an apartment and car to rent so that we can be most effective. Please pray for us!

We have already sent over six vans from Europe to Ukraine. Before we even made it back to our base, the humanitarian aid in our hometown was already getting passed out. It is being distributed to churches who are hosting refugees, check points where people and soldiers are guarding the entrances to our city, and to our campsite. We are seeing that all of the work we are doing is not in vain and are praying for strength to continue on.

The airport in our hometown was bombed yesterday. It is terrible to see this destruction and so many dear people displaced in our hometown. Please pray with us that it doesn’t go any further than this. Pray for God’s protection over the people of our town and over our homes, churches, and businesses.



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