Each summer, we take several different groups of people on river rafting trips – groups of women, men, fathers and sons, and youth. Ukrainians love to be outdoors and the opportunity to take a rafting trip with little to no cost is a huge attraction. This is also a time when non-Christians can see that Christians have fun together, live regular lives, and enjoy one another, which often helps non-Christians feel more comfortable coming to church after the rafting trips.

On each rafting trip, the group goes downriver for several days, making camp each night on the riverbanks, fishing for food in the river, and cooking in big pots over an open fire. The time away is a wonderful chance for God to work in the hearts of the people on the trip. In the evenings, time around the campfire is special – with everyone under the stars, singing and telling stories. It is a chance for everyone on the trip to grow closer to God.

997056_939915296024255_2642640529360238920_n“We had a wonderful time rafting down the river with our team. There was about 30 people with us, Christian and unchristian. We had morning and evening meetings each day. In the mornings we went up the mountains to watch the sunrise and pray together. We had such a great time on the last night. We went out to a field and prayed under a blanket of stars. Lots of people confessed before God, we had lots of tears, and we just felt God’s presence with us.”  –Rafting trip testimony

These trips are fruitful in many ways. Many who don’t know Christ are introduced to Him on these trips, while others grown in their faith. Some of the people who came in the early years and accepted Christ are now part of the Noah’s Ark team!

“So his master said, ‘Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.’” –Luke 14:23



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