We have a couple of updates and prayer requests that we would like to share with you! We are as busy as ever and we daily see God’s help and provision as we follow Him and share His love with the hurting people of Ukraine.

Humanitarian Aid

Because of your support, we have been able to continue to provide thousands of people with food and other necessities. Not only are we able to send out packages by mail, but we have been able to load around 5 trucks/week that deliver aid to the frontlines. Thank you for your continued support and care for our people. 


The construction project on the bathrooms and kitchen is moving along. This past week we ran electricity to both buildings! We are really excited to see the progress and thankful for everyone who has played a part in this project. 

Summer Plans

As summer approaches and we are planning for upcoming camps, we have decided to put up the frame tent that was donated. The tent is very heavy duty and will have to have a foundation poured in order to install it. We will be able to move all of the humanitarian aid supplies to the tent so that we can use the building for camps. Pray for us as we continue to prep the territory for camp and gather a team of people who can serve. 

War Zone Trips

Lastly, please be praying for us as we are planning on going to a particularly difficult region tomorrow night, May 13-15. This is a place where not many are willing to go but also a place where so many are in desperate need. Pray for our safety and discernment as we visit villages that were previously occupied. Pray that God’s light and love would shine through us. This is a humanitarian aid mission but also a vision trip to see how we can partner with the local churches and pastors who are still living near the frontlines.

Thank you for your prayers and support! 

With much love, 
Peter and Irina



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