We are happy to report that the Tkachuks are spending time in the U.S. with family and ministry partners for the next two weeks to rest, raise support, share reports, and collect humanitarian supplies.

Please pray that this time away would provide much-needed encouragement and refreshment for each of them. We are so thankful that God has provided for them to have this time to recharge during such a busy and emotionally and physically difficult season of ministry. Please pray that their time as a family would be especially sweet and that the Lord would multiply their time together.

Noah’s Ark will be collecting items at Arcade Church to be sent to Ukraine by container. There will be a van in the Arcade parking lot to collect the donations. It is expected that the container will be shipped to Ukraine in late April. A partial list of items that are needed include the following: household goods, canned goods, underwear, personal hygiene products, diapers for all ages, wipes, first aid kits and medicines for colds or flu, treats for all ages, generators, camp stoves, sheets, blankets, and towels.

If you are in the area and would like to connect with Peter and Irina, come to hear ministry updates, attend a prayer meeting, or help bring supplies to donate, please connect with our Noah’s Ark online team for more information!



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