We are so excited to let everyone know that we have purchased a building and the land surrounding it! This now allows us to host many retreats and outreaches for groups and camps!

God has been so faithful to Noah’s Ark Ukraine Missions, and we are so excited for the opportunity to expand this ministry. We continue to build out, remodel, and upgrade the building and facilities. What began as an overwhelming project that seemed almost impossible is now a testimony to the goodness and greatness of our God.

This is a labor of love and a continual work in progress. Even in the midst of working extremely hard on construction and building projects, we have been able to have camps and retreats already!

Thank you all so much for praying, for supporting our team financially and emotionally, and for encouraging us on this journey. God has done incredible, miraculous things to make a way for us to continue to build out and complete many large projects.

Many people and workers have come to help with projects, giving up their time and energy to serve the Lord and support Noah’s Ark. Businesses, individuals, and ministries have donated funds and supplies as well. We cannot say thank you enough for the generosity of so many!

A special thank you to Arcade Church that has played a vital role in making this happen and to all of our donors! We are thankful for each and every one of you!



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