We want to thank you all so much for what you are doing for the people of Ukraine. Thank you to our American, Polish, Dutch, and German friends for praying and providing funds, food, and medicine. People from all over the world are uniting together for one purpose. 

In the past couple of weeks, we have sent 7 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, 1 ton of which went to the Eastern Ukraine this week! The rest has been sent to our home town where our team is sorting and passing it on to those in need. This week they packed individual bags for orphans and nursing homes and personally delivered the care packages to people with needs. Each care package is received with so much gratitude. Praise God! Thank you for making this possible!

Please continue to pray for our camp to remain a safe place. The work we are doing is not unnoticeable to friends and enemies, but our God is a good and faithful Father and we are counting on His mercy to protect the good work that is being done.

Please keep praying for Ukraine.



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